威尼斯人平台欢迎残疾人士成为大学社区不可或缺的一部分. 确保威尼斯人官网, and in accordance with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 《威尼斯人官网》, 以及1973年康复法案第504条, 威尼斯人平台为合格的残疾人提供合理的住宿和支持服务.
可及性服务 (AS) provides individualized services for students, 教员/员工, 以及其他有残疾需要的社区成员. 服务范围包括, 学者, 住房, 就业, 设备可威尼斯人官网性, 以及与残疾有关的社会/个人问题. 希望接受AS服务的残疾人士有责任向AS披露他们的残疾情况,并应在大多数服务开始日期前至少6周完成注册程序.
电话: 614-236-6611
电子邮件: accessibilityservices@my067.com
传真: 614-236-6971
- 高年级的学生
2022年11月6日 - 一年级学生、转学学生和复读学生
- 高年级的学生
January 31, 2023 (Deadline for renewals, including requests for changes to current accommodations)
2023年2月14日(首次申请截止日期) - 一年级学生、转学学生和复读学生
Requests received after the above identified dates cannot be guaranteed for immediate placement.
No, 但如果个人希望得到住宿, 他们必须注册无障碍服务. 看到 注册过程.
No, 但如果学生想利用他们的住宿, they should email their professors their PDF Accommodations Letter (provided by AS) every semester.
No, you don’t have to if you feel that you will be able to be just as successful without them. 但是,请记住,如果你需要他们,他们就在那里.
学生可提交 Healthcare Professional Disability Verification and Accommodation Recommendation Form (PDF) completed by their healthcare provider or documentation that conveys similar information. 看到 文档的指导方针 欲知详情.
Students only need to register with 可及性服务 once to receive academic accommodations. 如果学生的情况有任何变化, 尽快联系,讨论他们的需求.
Housing accommodations must be renewed annually via a survey sent out by Housing and 住宅 Life.
A student who wishes to appeal a decision can follow 可及性服务' Grievance Process.
If you feel that the accommodation is a hindrance to implement, 改变课程或项目的核心价值, or feel the accommodations cannot be implemented effectively, schedule a meeting with the 可及性服务 as soon as possible to discuss the concern. 所有指定的住宿都必须提供,直到通过这种互动过程达成的相互理解而改变为止.
A staff member will inquire about the nature and impact of a student’s disability, 过去的住宿, 以及任何与残疾有关的障碍. AS重视与学生合作的过程,以确定合理和适当的住宿.
“The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990, 乔治·H总统.W. 布什. 《威尼斯人网站》是美国最全面的民权立法之一,它禁止歧视,并保证残疾人和其他人一样有机会参与美国主流生活——享受就业机会, 购买商品和服务, and to participate in State and local government programs and services. 以1964年民权法案为蓝本, 哪条禁止基于种族的歧视, color, 宗教, 性, 根据1973年《威尼斯人平台》第504条,《威尼斯人网站》是一部为残疾人提供“平等机会”的法律.”
“俄亥俄州残疾人机会”(opportunity for Ohio with Disabilities,简称OOD)是俄亥俄州的一个机构,旨在为俄亥俄州残疾人提供就业机会, 残疾的决定, 和独立. 该机构与企业合作, 教育, and nonprofits to facilitate individualized 就业 plans for Ohioans with disabilities. OOD's trained and professional staff help Ohio companies recruit and retain employees with disabilities.”
“The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, 专家, and confidential guidance on job accommodations and disability 就业 issues. Serving customers across the United States and around the world for more than 35 years, JAN provides free one-on-one practical guidance and technical assistance on job accommodation solutions, Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related legislation, and self-就业 and entrepreneurship options for people with disabilities. JAN提供个性化咨询,以协助:
雇主及其代表寻求有关参与互动过程的实际方法的指导, 提供就业住宿解决方案, 并遵守《威尼斯人网站》第一章;
Individuals with 医疗 conditions and disabilities seeking information about job accommodation solutions, 《威尼斯人网站》规定的就业权利, and self-就业 and entrepreneurship opportunities; and
家庭成员及康复, 医疗, 教育, 以及其他专业人士,他们努力支持有医疗状况和残疾的个人成功就业.”
请你的 provides understanding, 教育 和宣传, and support for children and adults with 注意力缺陷多动症. 他们的网站包括信息库、信息图表以及专门针对成年人的信息等资源, 父母和看护人, 教育工作者, 和专业人士. 也有针对成人的培训, teachers and parents in which they are able to take courses developed by their peers.
“ADDA是一个支持注意力缺陷多动症成人的全球包容性社区,使注意力缺陷多动症患者在当今世界茁壮成长成为可能. 我们正在建立一种颂扬多动症的文化,并使我们的成员能够发现和发挥他们的潜力. 我们支持患有多动症的成年人, 提供一个温馨和安全的环境, 提供可靠的信息, encourage innovative approaches and model 注意力缺陷多动症 best practices.”
“ADAA focuses on improving quality of life for those with anxiety, 抑郁症, 强迫症, PTSD and co-occurring disorders through 教育 about the disorders. ADAA帮助人们找到治疗、资源和支持. More than 11 million people visit ADAA's website each year - from all across the globe. ADAA促进科学创新,并参与基础和临床焦虑和抑郁研究人员和提供者的多样化网络,鼓励临床医生实施新的治疗方法. These commitments drive ADAA’s promise to find new treatments and one day prevent and cure these disorders. Our passion is helping people understand the disorders, find treatment, and recover. ADAA以多元化和包容性为核心价值. We make a difference in the lives of people with anxiety disorders and 抑郁症. We provide help through the alignment of science, treatment, and 教育.”
成立于1921年, 美国盲人基金会花了近一个世纪的时间来确保盲人或视障人士能够获得信息, 技术, 教育, and legal resources they need to live independent and productive lives. 从他们最开始的时候, 它们放大了视力丧失者的声音, 并为每一个受失明或视力丧失影响的人带来进步和机会.”
The NFB was founded on November 16th, 1940 to “promote the economic and social welfare of the blind.“自我宣传工具包为那些寻求更好地了解住宿和他们在高等院校的法律权利的学生提供了资源. It offers a foundation that will help blind students advocate for themselves, 教育教职员工, 应对挑战, 为他们在大学环境中的成功而努力. This toolkit welcomes feedback and suggestions for additional content.
国家数据中心于2017年启动,是美国教育部下属的一个技术援助和传播中心. 他们的网站提供信息,以更好地了解聋人/听障学生在大学环境中取得成功所需的需求和住宿. 现实世界的例子和法律法规的参考可以让我们更好地了解聋人/听障人士在高等教育机构中获得平等机会和机会的重要性.
“Established in 1880 the NAD is a non-profit civil rights organization of, 由美国聋人/听障人士编写并为其提供的.S. The advocacy scope of the NAD touches on areas of early intervention, 教育, 就业, 卫生保健, 技术, 电信, 青年领袖, 和更多的. 在国际方面, the NAD represents the United States of America to the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), 一个国际人权组织. 个人和组织成员资格使NAD能够确保美国聋人和听障群体的集体利益在我们国家的政策制定者和联邦一级的意见领袖中得到体现和代表.”
听力损失医疗专业人员协会是一个501(c)(3)非营利组织,为全球数千名聋人和听力困难的医疗保健专业人员和学生提供服务. 自2000年以来, 他们将世界各地的聋人和重听保健专业人员联系起来,并以宣传和指导的形式提供支持.” This website also provides specific information about clear face masks and amplified stethoscopes."
麻省药学院 & 健康科学
“To provide effective and clear communication between 医疗 staff, 有许多工具可以帮助医疗专业人员与听力损失的人提供有效的沟通策略. This guide also offers 医疗 professionals information to understand Deaf culture and identify resources.”
“LDA visualizes a world in which learning disabilities are universally understood, 所以所有个体都被接受, 支持, 并且有能力过自己决定的生活. LDA的使命是通过支持为所有受学习障碍影响的个人创造成功的机会, 教育, 和宣传. LDA促进预防, 促进对最佳实践的研究, 鼓励识别, 支持干预, 并保护权利.”
LD资源基金会有限公司. 是一个成立于2001年的非营利组织(根据美国国税局第501(c)条),帮助那些受特殊学习障碍影响的人找到解决方案, 阅读障碍和多动症. 我们为这些成年人提供资源, 青少年和儿童, 还有他们的父母和教育工作者, with a special focus on the needs of low-income households. 我们的使命是提供信息, 激励和帮助有学习障碍的人, 通过提供宝贵的资源和工具来帮助他们克服障碍,并积极影响他们的日常识字之旅.